Jan 1, 2012

Google Majel vs Apple Siri

Apple's Siri (a voice recognition technology specialized for iphone) a great feature in communication field, though it remained silent in all countries except US because of the accent problem of English language. Though many technology giants tried to launch an app to overcome accent problem's and stand as a competition to Siri they were not able to do that.
Image representing Siri as depicted in CrunchBaseAt last the giant Google is in the race to compete with Siri by overcoming the accent problems and make even regional languages understandable to the gadgets which Siri failed to do as stated by the website AndroidandMe.The Website says Google soon going to launch its prestigious voice recognition technology by the name "Google Majel" as there coding is named by her name.
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Google taking this project to be a Prestigious one and to show a mark of them they are trying to take this technology to a high end one by making it not only understand what user says but what if the gadget gives a voice output and make the usage of gadgets still more user-friendly.
Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...
One named Amit Singhal says I always dream of a situation to build a "Star Trek Computer" and make the situations like When one goes and asks google search "What is the best time to sow seeds, given monsoon is delayed?" which we can't answer today and he get's an answer from Google search to such genuine questions.


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